Jiacheng Huang
Welcome to my website. :)
I am a PhD student at the University of Minnesota - Hubbard School of Journalism, studying under the advising of Drs. Alvin Zhou and Jisu Huh.
My research interests focus on algorithms (LLM, recommendation systems, vision) and strategic communication (organizations, advertising, and public relations). Most of my work either explores the intersectionality of these fields or falls into one of the two, mostly through computational methods.
LabelGenius - GPT-Powered media-text Labeler: A Tool for Dynamic and Flexible Labeling with GPT Models for media-text Classification (Github Package)
The Butterfly Effect of Algorithmic Biases on Public Opinion: An Agent-Based Model on Recommendations Systems (Working Paper)
Innovative Science Eludes Recommendation (Working Paper)
Algorithms ∩ Strategic Comm
AI Can Help!: How ChatGPT Enhances Brand Communication for Social Media Engagement (Working Paper)
Navigating Strategic Communication: Exploring Methodological Perspectives (Book Chapter)
Persuade Me with a Face Like Mine: The Role of Facial Similarity in Influencer Persuasion on Health Messaging (Working Paper)
AI in Corporate Communication: Navigating Strategies, Challenges, Impact, and Ethics (Book Chapter)
Strategic Comm
Qualitative differences in minority immigrants’ relationships with identity-matching vs. non-matching influencers and implications for social media influencer marketing (Under Review)
Leading with moral values: The role of CEO communication in Corporate Social Advocacy (Book Chapter)
Unpacking corporate moral signaling in times of geopolitical conflicts (Under Review)
Echoes of Surveillance: Exploring Surveillance Perceptions and Affective Reactance in Conversation-Related Advertising (Under Review)
Beyond Universal Appeal: Examining How Issue-Specific CEO Activism Interacts with Moral Values to Engage Stakeholders (Working Paper)